About Kiwisaver

KiwiSaver is a voluntary retirement planning scheme. It helps ensure your financial security in retirement as it will represent the bulk of your retirement savings. In some situations, your KiwiSaver scheme can also be used to help purchase your first home.

Various KiwiSaver funds and schemes are available. The right option for you will depend on your circumstances and your attitude to risk. Book for an appointment to one of our KiwiSaver specialist.

How kiwisaver works

KiwiSaver is a regular savings scheme. Typically, people save a percentage of their salary, but you can make lump sum deposits too. If you are employed, your employer will also contribute 3% of your before-tax salary. The Government contributes too, adding 50 cents for every dollar you save up to a maximum of $521.43 each year. These contributions by your employer and the Government are the main benefit of KiwiSaver.

planning for retirement

When it comes to planning for your retirement, there is a simple rule to follow – it is never too early to start. It’s not easy, of course, particularly when you are young and have plans and things you want to do and achieve. Retirement seems so far away. Starting early, however, will maximise your income in retirement. Get in touch with us today to find out more and to discuss an option that suits your requirements.

are you on the right scheme?

If you already have a KiwiSaver scheme in place, are you sure it continues to meet your requirements? When was the last time you checked it? Has your attitude to risk or personal circumstances changed since you first put the scheme in place? In these situations and more, the best advice is to review your current scheme to ensure it continues to meet your financial objectives.

honest independent advice

You need to choose the scheme that best suits your requirements, but you are not alone when you choose us at Future Secure Financial as your financial adviser. We’ll give you all the information and advice you need, and we’ll help you make the right choice. Plus, we are not tied to any specific provider, fund, or scheme, so the advice you get from us will be completely impartial.

For many Kiwis, the thought of owning their own home can seem like an unattainable goal.

However, with KiwiSaver we can help make this a reality.

If you’re purchasing your first home, you may be eligible for a KiwiSaver First Home Withdrawal. If you’re eligible, you can withdraw all funds in your KiwiSaver account, less $1,000.


  • The property must be in New Zealand

  • You must intend to live in the home yourself

  • You must have been contributing to KiwiSaver for a minimum of three years

There are numerous KiwiSaver schemes and investment funds to choose from – how do you even know if you’re in the right fund?

A financial adviser can help determine your investment profile and provide personalised investment advice. Making the right decisions about your KiwiSaver now can help make tens of thousands of dollars in difference down the line.

At Future Secure Financial, we offer free KiwiSaver reviews to help determine the right provider, fund type, and asset allocation for you. We can also ensure you are not overpaying PIR tax, and getting your full Government Contributions entitlement from the government.

It gets invested in a mix of asset types – depending on what kind of investor you are.

The returns you get will depend on which asset allocation you’re in.

For example, if you’re in a conservative fund, then most of your money will be invested in cash or fixed interest assets, and you can expect a conservative level of growth.

If you’re in a growth fund – most of your money will be invested in Equities and Property. There’s a lot more volatility there, but you can also expect to get higher returns over time.

Your asset allocation should depend on your priorities and how much time you’ve got before you make a withdrawal.

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