Joshua & Kristy

Client: Joshua and Kristy

Type: Home Loan and Personal Risk Insurance

Adviser: Clarice

We have known Clarice for years and we know how good she is at what she does, when she decided to start her own company we were very excited for her and to work with her when it came to all our financial advice/services needs. 

It is necessary to ensure the protection of not just ourselves but also for our children. 

We initially thought that getting our own house was difficult and stressful, until we had Clarice help us. 

 We totally trust Clarice and we consider her as family. We have known her for a long time and we consider her as family.

With the help of Clarice she was able to get us the most appropriate insurance that we need. Having Clarice help us get our home loan was the best decision we have made. Working with her was stress-free and easy because she had our best interest at heart.

The whole process was awesome especially when you have Clarice working for you. We didn’t have to worry about anything as she was always there to assist every step of the way.  

I will and I have wholeheartedly  recommended Clarice to everyone I know because she is that good. I will never go to anybody else, having a person who has your best interest at heart is priceless.

Future Secure’s services are individualized and customer/client  focused. They don’t have that one size fits all mentality. They tailor their services to fit their customer’s/client’s individual needs, and they do all of this with care, respect and integrity.